樓主: 雪陵
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The Fanfiction Lovers ~ Randomness Awaits!!

發表於 2015-1-19 20:55:46 | 只看該作者
76# 雪陵

Whoops, I missed this reply yesterday, my bad.
Yeah, just pick a few and put links in the first entry. I can help with the summaries/character introduction and whatnot. Or, you can do a round-robin(I think that's what 接文 is called?), encourage people to write snippets of fics? (Though it would be quite hard... hmm...)
Think that'll fulfill the title Fanfiction Lovers?

Nope, the Drama thingy merit some thoughts though.
Tomorrow, after Rumah?

Huh, I have 範文、作文、AND Physics!!!

I have been practicing the harmonica, so less nagging than usual there. At least I'm immune to it XPPP

No, no humor. You know I like dark fics, with humor IN the fics, but I don't favor crack.
Hey, I know! You can introduce the special phrases we use when referring to ffs~~(Just so you know, I'm not helping on this one)

William approaches the lessons in a way no teacher has ever come close to - its new and exciting, KNOWING that you'll definitely learn something at the end of the lesson ^^


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發表於 2015-1-19 20:58:24 | 只看該作者
79# 彼墨楔

I think you, 墨, your Chinese is better enough!
If you don't say about your country, or use the simplified Chinese, I might not find it!

Sorry, I can't understand what is [Chinese sms language]?
[sms] means systems?


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發表於 2015-1-19 21:21:38 | 只看該作者
85# 雪陵

Well, what WERE you're expectations?
Excuse me if I use Caps for the italics - I'm too lazy.


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 樓主| 發表於 2015-1-19 21:23:02 | 只看該作者
90# 小劍痞

But I am sorry about that a troublesome child left a uncomfortable message here.
I think that troublesome child could not have enough English level to rely in the first time.  The fact is that I was wrong.

Can you please translate it? I don't get what you're trying to say.

If she suitable for English, it is really a charming way to her!

If she is more suited for English,(sorry but I don't understand the second part either.

I understand what you are saying this time.
Hate is a very strong word. Dislike is better. Its like 恨 and 不喜欢.

The idea in your sentences are there, just some problems with grammar.


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發表於 2015-1-19 21:24:33 | 只看該作者
88# 雪陵

You can take that lightly, it's just a personal opinion.

The 'cold and distant' part, I think it has more to do with your facial expressions and eyes than the tone of your voice, but yes, if one is familiar (not THAT familiar, just kinda KNOW your speech), the tone IS mildly amused~~

Hey, hey, what 'bout mine? *curious*


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 樓主| 發表於 2015-1-19 21:30:59 | 只看該作者
91# 彼墨楔

Lucathia Rycathu first, it should be more easily accepted than any other.
To be honest, I don't care about the title and what it might imply. It's something that will make my life more difficult in the long run. There's only about three other people here other than us

I think it has potential too. Lunch should be better, rumah might be late

作文, due tomorrow.

Mother's nagging, so will continue later, bath time


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發表於 2015-1-19 21:43:31 | 只看該作者
94# 雪陵

Ok, I describe it in another way.
I don't want to translate it into Chinese*sign*

Most of the children here cannot communicate smoothly in English.
Mature enough people could join this club easily.  And these people would not be rude like that (you know what).  However, it just happened.
I feel very sad.

Thank you very much~*hug**been hit*
I will use this word "hate" carefully next time.
Also the other errors you reminded me.*smile*
Very very poor at grammar I know.*cry*


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發表於 2015-1-19 22:07:03 | 只看該作者
72# 彼墨楔

I wont't mind it, don't worry.*smile*

Another reason could be that sometimes we see the language different from ours, we will keep it away instinctively.  Unfortunately, "different language" includes 简体中文.
If she suitable for English, it is really a charming way to her!

But I am sorry about that a troublesome child left a uncomfortable message here.
I think that troublesome child could not have enough English level to rely in the first time.  The fact is that I was wrong.

I think I should describe this sentence in the other way.>"<
【I thought that Taiwanese in 御論 do not hate talking to foreigner.】
Is it OK to understand? OWO?

I had a paper of school assignment one month ago, it should be written in English.
My English teacher said that I had many errors in it. *cry*

小劍痞 發表於 2015-1-19 20:42

...won't mind, don't worry.
...could be that when we see languages different...
..we keep away instinctively.
"different languages" include...
...(I can't understand the next sentence, though I get the gist of it)

...(The next paragraph too, but I know what you're talking about. Yeah, but it's okay. People don't usually mean what they say when they never thought it trough, as I think is the case here ^^)

Yes, I understand it. I can actually get what you're trying to tell me most of the time by looking at the words you chose, even though it won't necessarily be the same context. Though, please refrain from using the word 'hate', thank you. I have a strong aversion to it.

Hmm... I can somewhat tell what your problems are from these few conversations we've had. Mostly, it's the wordings and use of phrases. You tend to add in unnecessary words that make the sentences closer to Chinese than it is English. My advice: Read more books. Nothing helps better than that ;)


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發表於 2015-1-19 22:12:14 | 只看該作者
92# 小劍痞

...better enough! → good enough!
...don't say about your → hadn't told me about your...
...might not find it! → might not have guessed! (I think that's what you mean, is it?)

sms = 短訊(usually it's messages in phones or online messaging sites)
I have no idea where it originated from. Riss?


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發表於 2015-1-19 22:22:21 | 只看該作者
96# 雪陵

Yeah, hers is easy, clear, humorous, and full of juicy plots! I think many Chinese fanfiction lovers can learn from her fics, anyway.

So, lunch together it is then! XDDD

Ha! Mine's due next Mon. So I'm not planning on completing them *yay~~*


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