76# 雪陵
Whoops, I missed this reply yesterday, my bad.
Yeah, just pick a few and put links in the first entry. I can help with the summaries/character introduction and whatnot. Or, you can do a round-robin(I think that's what 接文 is called?), encourage people to write snippets of fics? (Though it would be quite hard... hmm...)
Think that'll fulfill the title Fanfiction Lovers?
Nope, the Drama thingy merit some thoughts though.
Tomorrow, after Rumah?
Huh, I have 範文、作文、AND Physics!!!
I have been practicing the harmonica, so less nagging than usual there. At least I'm immune to it XPPP
No, no humor. You know I like dark fics, with humor IN the fics, but I don't favor crack.
Hey, I know! You can introduce the special phrases we use when referring to ffs~~(Just so you know, I'm not helping on this one)
William approaches the lessons in a way no teacher has ever come close to - its new and exciting, KNOWING that you'll definitely learn something at the end of the lesson ^^