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The Fanfiction Lovers ~ Randomness Awaits!!

發表於 2015-1-16 18:42:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 雪陵 於 2015-1-20 20:01 編輯

After months of RC and yulun, I am incredibly tired of these bothersome social-sortof websites. In order to keep myself (and others, you know who you are) motivated to come here, I have decided to open this...thing.

I am reasonably sure there shall be minimal traffic in this group, considering the medium of communication this will be conducted in (and also the general uselessness of Google Translate).

Bearing in mind that there might inside jokes you will probably not get even if you understand English, any visitors are welcome. That's actually very common, the inside jokes thing.

It is my hope that we shall get to see humorous conversations between Google Translate users in this particular group.

On a side note, this group also has a petting zoo for you to rear your plot bunnies in.

Do come here often. You'll get points. (actually that's the whole point of this group)

p.s. The use of English is strongly recommended. Chinese is fine, but there's already enough chinese groups out there.

In order to uphold one of the main features implied by the title,(as someone keeps telling me to), I introduce to you, The Wonderful World Of Fanfiction!


I shall introduce a few LSK (Legend of the Sun Knight 吾命騎士)fanfiction.

This is one of the better writers. Her works are quite enjoyable. Of course, there are other authors, but this one first, to test the waters.

The author's name is Lucathia Rycathu, she writes many wonderful LSK and 1/2 Prince (1/2王子) fanfictions.


This is her website.

Below are a few of her works I particularly enjoyed. I only have the English summaries at this moment, but the Chinese Summaries will be put up sometime later.(Just in case you don't understand)

The Road To Becoming Impressive
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/862 ... Becoming-Impressive

Summary: Adair is an impressive vice-captain. However, he didn't exactly start out that way. If Adair's impressiveness is 40% part of his nature, then the remaining 60% is really all thanks to Sun's nurturing. Or so claims the Sun Knight.

The Impressive Adair Fan Club
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/745 ... sive-Adair-Fan-Club

Summary: Although Adair didn't know it, he had a fan club. A very impressive fan club. That had two very impressive members, those being the Storm Knight and the Judgment Knight.

My Friend, The Pope (in-training)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/969 ... he-Pope-in-training

Summary: Grisia wasn't chosen as the Sun Knight. This is the legend of the strongest Pope in all history.

Note: This story has been translated by 彼墨楔 , 我的好友——(實習)教皇陛下.

Long Live The Sun Knight

Summary: Grisia wasn't chosen as the Sun Knight. Lesus was.

Note: This story has also been translated into Chinese by 彼墨楔, 太陽騎士萬歲(雷瑟是太陽騎士?!)


Grisia    格里西亞
Lesus   雷瑟
Adair    亞戴爾






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發表於 2015-1-16 18:47:56 | 只看該作者


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 樓主| 發表於 2015-1-16 18:58:08 | 只看該作者
对,是故意的没错 。  




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發表於 2015-1-16 19:07:16 | 只看該作者
well, this website IS for Mandarin and Chinese
and a lot of them ARE Taiwanese
what do you what? an English speaker? many English speakers?


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發表於 2015-1-16 19:07:44 | 只看該作者
but my English is very bad
my English text always less then 60 (cryy


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發表於 2015-1-16 19:17:17 | 只看該作者
I can't believe you actually did this! XDDDDD
The moment I opened the webpage my eyes automatically zoned in on the only actual proper sentence(in English) and found that it was yours! Though, what's up with the "Randomness Awaits"?*raise eyebrows*

Hey, it's fun, but encouraging me isn't a credible excuse. More like keeping YOU motivated. *bump shoulder*

I just had another plot bunny hop out of nowhere. But I'm gonna keep the cute, cuddly bunny  to myself, so there.

Sama-sama, tetapi saya tidak mahu mengguna Melayu.
Plus, I wanna keep the replies short. It's quite tiresome typing so much. I'm really out of practice. *sniff*


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發表於 2015-1-16 19:18:44 | 只看該作者
i will try...
can i use google translation?
but my friend say the google translation is too ... stiff?


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發表於 2015-1-16 19:19:22 | 只看該作者
okay i don't want to do anything bad so i'll leave
but i just wanted to say that google translate isn't quite useless, it is something that help people learn
human's tech haven't get to the place which can make some sort of machine translate perfectly or just like human
and even human can't translate that well, such a bxxxx


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發表於 2015-1-16 19:26:07 | 只看該作者
4# s95016547





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 樓主| 發表於 2015-1-16 19:26:34 | 只看該作者
*holds a blade to your jugular* "Either you surrender your bunny to me, or I'll kill you and take your bunny for myself!“

The bunny looks at me with absurdly adorable eyes, as if pleading to me not to kill its owner.

I break down and cry pitifully in the corner."Why, bunny? Why are you doing this to me? You know how weak I am, how am I to stand against the might of the kicked-puppy look? "

Or is it the kicked-bunny look?

Btw, go read Rebellion by TatraMegami and Wizards Are Stupid by Lineape


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