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[同人文] 【吾命惡搞】 魔王的非人任務-強吻羅蘭後快閃 懶得更文狀態ing

發表於 2012-11-28 21:30:25 | 只看該作者




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 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-28 22:39:46 | 只看該作者
381# 末日o靜雨


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發表於 2012-11-29 00:23:41 | 只看該作者

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發表於 2012-11-29 18:11:28 | 只看該作者




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 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-29 18:14:05 | 只看該作者
383# 暄o


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-29 18:15:11 | 只看該作者
384# 末日o靜雨


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-11-29 21:33:46 | 只看該作者
[Wuming the spoof] devil inhuman task kissing Roland after flash(哇哈哈哈原來強吻羅蘭後快閃的英文是這個嗎!?)(滾地)

After reading must be a message ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!(笑噴)
Sure must be!
Believe it or not, I really will not update the text!
Hello everyone ~ (mystery: Who!?)
On this text without CP.(這什麼)
Hello I is the Sakura to life again to write text to(請不要亂翻譯我的名字啊啊啊啊啊啊!)
Good start ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chapter one
Location: devil temple
      Well - what did not have to do, deadly dull! I sat Oza(為什麼紅詩是Oza?) condescending looked to red poetry and Ya Daier(媽的,原來是亞戴爾) in command of a team of undead army, although it is a great sense of success right, but really deadly dull.
     Yang fun? (哇哈哈哈你原來是等陽!)(等:.......)Deadly dull! “I asked, etc. to the side of the sun.
      Thought for a few seconds, etc. Yang immediately respectfully answered: "Beelzebub Royal Highness, you can go to the massacre in nearby cities.
      Did not thought of the Silent Eagle(原來是沉默之鷹……) also say such a thing, ah, really make distinctions for me!
     "Massacre would be no fun, is there any other?" And I impatiently waving a wave indicating he continued.
     "So, to help children?"(幫忙帶孩子的英文原來是那麼奇怪) Yang longing looks exposed. I can not see right! However, I have spent away from consciousness, and then ...... by! Really handsome metamorphosis!
     "I really want to kill you, looks so handsome Why?" I mercilessly response.(那個靠字不見了)
     "... Nothing to say and other sun exposed a wry smile.
     "...... Dry!(原來幹是dry嗎?) Do not expose any expression you like really like to let any male animals are Sha Qiandao(殺千刀……竟然是這樣的) count I are Do not look!"
     "Sister ...... I mean big brother!" Behind her blond little boy ... wrong! Why do I say keep those Paladin! I'm not a fucking pedophile!(終於出現了一句髒話!這才是小格嘛!) I love a good body beautiful is good!
     "Aiello,(艾洛的名字?) find me something?" I turned and asked, casually rubbed his blond hair. If we could let the brave who saw the devil are gentle rubbing his blond little boy ... dry!(這是幹!幹好不好!不是dry!) I mean Aiello! Hair will be scared to death. Expression of a certain wonderful!
     "Big brother, document change better.(公文改好了竟然是這樣…….我噴笑了)" He behaved the answer.
     "Aiello you Zhenguai(真乖…….) to!" I continued to rub his hair: "eat this?"
     "Thank you, big brother to" then they hobbled down run followed by Charlotte, is about to eat it.
     "His Highness the devil(啊啊啊是魔王並不是魔鬼!) ...... the right hand side coming from a large number of dark attribute, ah, the devil temple which has been ultra-dark attribute, but I still feel that the dark surface properties concentrated. Undead, should Iraq Road Yes.
     "I do it?" Habitual looked at him: "Do not you listen to the things about Roland?"
      I still remember the last time he heard Roland half a day on the toilet when that expression! Guwahati ha ha town's killing me!
      Like a girl in love anthomaniac (這什麼?花癡?)expression really memorable! Slow live! I think we should do it!
     Iraqi road,(噗哈哈哈!伊路原來你是iraqi road?這什麼鬼?) I'm going to give you a task. "I exposed smirking:" go bright temple ... "
     "The devil His Royal Highness, I is undead(你是不死?這句怎會聽上來怪怪的), how can go to light the Temple?" Seem to hear strange news Iraqi road side unhappy answer.
      "Oh? I thought you were very pleased to be able to see your beloved monarch(這是君主?)?" I said deliberately.
      "Monarch?" I deliberately isolated knowledge to see, and she saw the expression of the animal in nature puff ha ha ha!(噗哈哈哈並不是puff Hahahaha!)
      "The mission this time is ......" my meal continue smirking: "the kissing Roland flash."(強吻羅蘭後快閃的英文再次令我笑噴)
      "......" Hang three black lines such as the sun's surface.(這什麼???)
      "Monarch he was very, how can, how can ......"
       ...... Undead biology textbooks which said that there did not seem to meet the red undead, right?
      "So I called Alice go kissing Roland." I purposely said Yang before the.
      "The devil His Highness! I will make Iraq go kissing Roland!" Yang said immediately.
       Pull out the big sword, etc. Yang assumed a the cut wings Iraq Road posture, Iraq Road last tasted this taste stared at me, and he answered: "I kiss the monarch, not good?"
      Glad to listen up ... your tone, and facial expressions betrayed you! You do not want to kiss the Roland right?(不!伊路很想去強吻羅蘭!不是不想!)
      "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Long with a smile, so much fun!
      "Alice!" I cried out to the door, the princess will immediately came running.
      "The devil His Royal Highness." She looks like a very respectful answer, but the tone will be ...
       Forget it! The king is a good mood today! Lunch you did not say that!
      "Your room has a lot of beautiful clothes, right? The Iraqi road brought adorn."
      "What?" Iraqi Road cried out in surprise.
      "Shut up!" I continued to look at Alice: "had driven him to bring to dress up."
      "Yes, sir. The devil His Royal Highness." Alice hold back a smile to answer me.
Location: Alice's room.

      "Which dress looks better?" Alice looked at me and asked, to continue in the closet, pulls out a few skirts.
       I resorted to from this knowledge, each skirt look up, it seems very, very funny! Just pick a most Duo Leisi skirt in, I said to Alice: "this."
       Could not help but peek Iraqi road a black already hacked the surface becomes invincible. Poof ha ha ha ridiculous!
      "Yes, sir. Devil adults." She said to me with a smile.
      "Wear this skirt. Said" I am in Iraq Road.
       Iraqi road red with rage. Saying undead blue veins of it? The undead textbooks also not mentioned!
      Resorted to dark chains, my Iraqi road tied into a dark attributes snowman, the head tilt thought for a moment, tied into a snowman how to help him dress? I took Iraqi chains of reduced, leaving only the chains in the neck, hands and feet.
     Alice sharp-eyed and the body of the Iraqi Road Original clothing off, skirt sets to Iraqi road body.
    "Poof!" Alice could not help laughing.
    "Catch the make-up, right?" I voted to Alice asked one, to be honest, I can not see right, but this is the inertia! Inertia okay!
    "I do not make-up ... Do not!" I use dark attribute chains schematic Alice continue to dress up Iraq mouth clutching his Iraqi road.
     Grabbed cosmetics from makeup table, Alice began to cast things in Iraq pavement action which the surface there is a growing black, probably Bi Leise also black.
     The thought that came up against the bastard gas! I am forced to beat a table, two ... I was one undead looked at me and stopped the action, but I would stare at them, continue to pretend nothing happened.
     Dead Leise! Actually want to attack me! Well, I will let you see your Fel the knight long been undead kissing amazing picture! Will be scared half to death!
     "Completing the devil adults." Reclaim the voice of Alice.
      I looked up ... do it!
      Did not expect the Iraqi female board Road is a beauty! If it were not to know that he is a male corpse, the girl prettily really like. Uh, a little bit bigger.
      I do not know how black hair becomes curly hair jet black eyes staring at me shrewish nice cherry mouth flat powder scarred face eggs bright red, seems to be embarrassed like.
     The "stature seems too big." Alice tilted to look at the Seven Wonders of Simon, said to me.
     "Powerful ... too much makeup!" I exclaimed to hand, throwing a magic, so that the Iraqi Road stature change girls slim physique.
      Satisfied nod, I would like to add on to change the sound curse Iraqi road sound becomes female.
     "Alice makeup tips really superlative craftsmanship, not to think about when the make-up artist?" I asked.
      Alice out to me a supercilious simply whether I continue to self-serving housecleaning.
      Open Chuansong Zhen(傳送陣……) , Iranian Road(伊路你的名字我第N次笑噴了) and I light the Temple.

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發表於 2012-11-30 03:35:22 | 只看該作者
etc. Yang = 等陽.. 媽呀!!!!這什麽翻譯啊!!!
document change better = 公文改好了.... 我真的無法再吐糟了..
竟然翻譯成:Guwahati ha ha town's killing me!
Iraq Road = 伊路 .. 我真的好佩服你.. google translate ..
慢住 = Slow慢 live住!
「……」等陽的面上掛了三條黑線。 ="......" Hang three black lines such as the sun's surface.
等陽,它翻譯成.. 等於陽了嗎?== 陽,太陽的面上= sun's surface .....
Duo Leisi = 多蕾絲....
Bi Leise = 比雷瑟..........
魔獄騎士長.. 的英文名字.. 竟然是 .. Fel the knight
幹 有兩個翻譯.. 1. dry 2. do it /.\  
Google 你真的好會翻譯啊你!!!
哈哈哈哈哈哈 !!!!!!! 我真的是快笑到跌在地上了.. 我一直拍桌子,打人,滾地板都不夠我笑... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!

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發表於 2012-11-30 17:25:53 | 只看該作者

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發表於 2012-11-30 20:05:18 | 只看該作者

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