本帖最後由 yurika19x 於 2010-1-12 17:04 編輯
I am a knight, actually, I am the sun knight of the light temple.
The light temple worships the light god.
It is al ...
aloec 發表於 2010-1-12 14:48 
喔喔~ 恩! 有些我底卻需要改善..
"It is" 只有 "Is". (改
"sky-blue" 沒有 - .(改
我不確定 Continent 會比 Land 好聽?
因為 Land 指哪裡都行 xD
"The sun knight need to have blond hair"
"The sun knight just has to have a hair of gold"
因為我覺得 "hair of gold" 聽起來比較夢幻?!
'To hell with "everyone knows",'
'To hell with "The whole land knows",'
everyone通常是指 "每個人"
But, up untill now, I'm still wearing a smile and saying: "The benevolent light god shall forgive your sins."
shall, 其實比 will 符合太陽的身分, 因為 shall 都是古時皇家/族的人用詞 xD
will, 比較現代=v=
感謝這位好人細心幫我修搞, 我很感激! ^^ |