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[同人文] 【吾命同人】夜晚細語 (微雷格)給幽冥楓夜的生日賀文喲~~^^

發表於 2014-11-20 15:32:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 雪陵 於 2014-11-20 15:35 編輯

要怎麼說呢?甜到蜜糖在滴出來?棉花般柔軟?(sappy and fluffy)

*squinting really really hard*
That is seriously mild slash,I‘ve been reading PWPs, this level of citrus isn't nearly enough.
Overall IC, a bit short though. Commendable effort, seeing as you probably are better with long and convoluted plots.

I've decided that I'm not gonna bother with Chinese anymore. I'm just not in the mood.

Forgive me if it is a bit harsh. It was short, so there's not enough impact.  And I on't really know what to say. Again, low impact. You should work on that.

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