樓主: 血兒
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HKSSMUN(attention!!all in english)

 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-5 22:58:38 | 只看該作者
10# 天翔

yup,it is fun and educative. moreover i hope there are more foreigner to join us.
i remember that you also are malaysian, maybe you both can have fun together, i mean, to figure out some interesting functions in your country XD

its hard for me at first, but i sooner get along with it


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發表於 2012-7-6 00:17:27 | 只看該作者
11# 血兒

Haha…… I am not that active kind of people to be honest
But still, in my state do have a lot of activities going on. Hmmm…… I still remember this coming October, that there will be a International Book Fair being held in KL, our main capital in Selangor... 18th till 26th of that month...

Even though it is just a book fair, but i found out that there will be a special corner only for light novels from Taiwan... So, hoping to get there soon!


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-6 10:03:09 | 只看該作者
12# 天翔

that's sound great
i hope there will be book fair like this in hong kong.
anyway, you will go to the fair, right?
hope you have fun


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發表於 2012-7-6 23:06:49 | 只看該作者
13# 血兒

Yup, i will be going with my cousin sister. She is the one who suggested this book fair to me few years ago, so i am very fond to book fair.
quite crazy about books, so every time i can spend more than three hours in a book store, just to find my book and read books. Crazy huh?
Oh? So HK there doesn't have book fair? It is quite common in our country.
Hmm.... maybe this book fair is international type... So i guess that it is only will be held in capital.
Does Bloody there have any book fairs?


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-6 23:49:48 | 只看該作者
14# 天翔

there will be an annual book fair in HK very soon
i think it is near the middle of July.
and coming right after that is the animation festival
unfortunately, i have no money this year so i may not able to go shopping in the book fair


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發表於 2012-7-7 00:08:38 | 只看該作者
15# 血兒

Ahh... I see. Our annual animation festival always held in end of the year (December)
But to be honest, for the next three years, i cannot go to enjoy CF.... Haiz...
I do play cosplay, but just for fun~

Now i am studying to pass my next semester, so again i cannot go to any other festival except the book fair. The book fair is the only event i don't want to miss out!


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-7 00:12:43 | 只看該作者
16# 天翔

hope you do well in your semester
so you are playing cosplay!i would like to but the fact is i am afraid of greeting someone i know well and i have no money to make or rent the clothes.anyway, if you are doing cosplay, can you let me have a look of the photos 0.0


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發表於 2012-7-7 00:18:36 | 只看該作者
17# 血兒

Hahaha.... Sorry to say, i always easily skip those cameramen! Just like a ghost, even my friends couldn't find me in the crowd.
When the event ended, then i show up but i already wearing my own clothes. Hehehe... So even myself don't have any picture of my own in cosplay mode~

Ohhh... Usually my cosplay uniform are all self made, so it won't cost much and very cheap!


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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-7 00:35:21 | 只看該作者
18# 天翔

it is too expensive to buy the raw materials in HK
therefore, making by myself may even cost more than buy it

camera...i wonder why you are not taking phote even by yourself?!

i am sorry. its time for me to sleep. i have to duty(girl guides)tomorrow


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發表於 2012-7-7 00:39:52 | 只看該作者
19# 血兒

I see... Different places got their own cost huh?
Well it is also time for me to be on my way to meet grandpa Zhou!Hehehe....

I hate camera.... to be honest i don't like to smile in front of camera or my friends..
That is why, my PR isn't that good....

Good Night my friend, have a beautiful dream as your night will be a comfortable one ^^


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