Using avators can make playing video games or studying English more interesting.But other sites allow users to do more.(注意!)Online community 「Second Life」let avatars do anything from shopping to fighting dragons.(驚阿!)Second Life is also unique because players can use their avatars to buy real things like art.
隨手附上查詢的最相近結果: http://secondlife.com/
Online community 「Second Life」let avatars do anything from shopping to fighting dragons.(驚阿!)Second Life is also unique because players can use their avatars to buy real things like art.
BY黎依作者: 黎依 時間: 2009-11-2 00:19
這裡也是有國中甚至小學生的,你總不能要求每個人都跟你一樣看得懂空英,或是知道去哪翻譯= =
請附上大概翻譯吧。作者: black_fox 時間: 2009-11-2 02:00
你太高估我了.............作者: 喬波x翼 時間: 2009-11-2 06:06
我都沒發現這個網站!作者: 姜姜 時間: 2009-11-2 07:52
Using avators can make playing video games or studying English more interesting.But other sites allow users to do more.(注意!)Online community 「Second Life」let avatars do anything from shopping to fighting dragons.(驚阿!)Second Life is also unique because players can use their avatars to buy real things like art.