
標題: The Fanfiction Lovers ~ Randomness Awaits!! [打印本頁]

作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 18:42
標題: The Fanfiction Lovers ~ Randomness Awaits!!
本帖最後由 雪陵 於 2015-1-20 20:01 編輯

After months of RC and yulun, I am incredibly tired of these bothersome social-sortof websites. In order to keep myself (and others, you know who you are) motivated to come here, I have decided to open this...thing.

I am reasonably sure there shall be minimal traffic in this group, considering the medium of communication this will be conducted in (and also the general uselessness of Google Translate).

Bearing in mind that there might inside jokes you will probably not get even if you understand English, any visitors are welcome. That's actually very common, the inside jokes thing.

It is my hope that we shall get to see humorous conversations between Google Translate users in this particular group.

On a side note, this group also has a petting zoo for you to rear your plot bunnies in.

Do come here often. You'll get points. (actually that's the whole point of this group)

p.s. The use of English is strongly recommended. Chinese is fine, but there's already enough chinese groups out there.

In order to uphold one of the main features implied by the title,(as someone keeps telling me to), I introduce to you, The Wonderful World Of Fanfiction!


I shall introduce a few LSK (Legend of the Sun Knight 吾命騎士)fanfiction.

This is one of the better writers. Her works are quite enjoyable. Of course, there are other authors, but this one first, to test the waters.

The author's name is Lucathia Rycathu, she writes many wonderful LSK and 1/2 Prince (1/2王子) fanfictions.


This is her website.

Below are a few of her works I particularly enjoyed. I only have the English summaries at this moment, but the Chinese Summaries will be put up sometime later.(Just in case you don't understand)

The Road To Becoming Impressive
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/862 ... Becoming-Impressive

Summary: Adair is an impressive vice-captain. However, he didn't exactly start out that way. If Adair's impressiveness is 40% part of his nature, then the remaining 60% is really all thanks to Sun's nurturing. Or so claims the Sun Knight.

The Impressive Adair Fan Club
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/745 ... sive-Adair-Fan-Club

Summary: Although Adair didn't know it, he had a fan club. A very impressive fan club. That had two very impressive members, those being the Storm Knight and the Judgment Knight.

My Friend, The Pope (in-training)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/969 ... he-Pope-in-training

Summary: Grisia wasn't chosen as the Sun Knight. This is the legend of the strongest Pope in all history.

Note: This story has been translated by 彼墨楔 , 我的好友——(實習)教皇陛下.

Long Live The Sun Knight

Summary: Grisia wasn't chosen as the Sun Knight. Lesus was.

Note: This story has also been translated into Chinese by 彼墨楔, 太陽騎士萬歲(雷瑟是太陽騎士?!)


Grisia    格里西亞
Lesus   雷瑟
Adair    亞戴爾

作者: 司嘉    時間: 2015-1-16 18:47
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 18:58
对,是故意的没错 。  


作者: s95016547    時間: 2015-1-16 19:07
well, this website IS for Mandarin and Chinese
and a lot of them ARE Taiwanese
what do you what? an English speaker? many English speakers?
作者: 司嘉    時間: 2015-1-16 19:07
but my English is very bad
my English text always less then 60 (cryy
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-16 19:17
I can't believe you actually did this! XDDDDD
The moment I opened the webpage my eyes automatically zoned in on the only actual proper sentence(in English) and found that it was yours! Though, what's up with the "Randomness Awaits"?*raise eyebrows*

Hey, it's fun, but encouraging me isn't a credible excuse. More like keeping YOU motivated. *bump shoulder*

I just had another plot bunny hop out of nowhere. But I'm gonna keep the cute, cuddly bunny  to myself, so there.

Sama-sama, tetapi saya tidak mahu mengguna Melayu.
Plus, I wanna keep the replies short. It's quite tiresome typing so much. I'm really out of practice. *sniff*
作者: 司嘉    時間: 2015-1-16 19:18
i will try...
can i use google translation?
but my friend say the google translation is too ... stiff?
作者: s95016547    時間: 2015-1-16 19:19
okay i don't want to do anything bad so i'll leave
but i just wanted to say that google translate isn't quite useless, it is something that help people learn
human's tech haven't get to the place which can make some sort of machine translate perfectly or just like human
and even human can't translate that well, such a bxxxx
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-16 19:26
4# s95016547



作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 19:26
*holds a blade to your jugular* "Either you surrender your bunny to me, or I'll kill you and take your bunny for myself!“

The bunny looks at me with absurdly adorable eyes, as if pleading to me not to kill its owner.

I break down and cry pitifully in the corner."Why, bunny? Why are you doing this to me? You know how weak I am, how am I to stand against the might of the kicked-puppy look? "

Or is it the kicked-bunny look?

Btw, go read Rebellion by TatraMegami and Wizards Are Stupid by Lineape
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-16 19:27
5# 司嘉

Don't worry, everyone starts with not knowing anything. Then we learn~^^

Nice to meet you~
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-16 19:32
10# 雪陵

Ha! Bow down to the uncrushable(?) might that is the Absolute-Cuteness-of-Plot-Bunnies-with-Kicked-Puppy/Bunny-Eyes!!!! (Wow is that a long name or what?)

If you're not too lazy, click the 回復 button pls.
Wonder if short forms count? Huh.

But I still have so much to read~~~*wails*
作者: s95016547    時間: 2015-1-16 19:33
9# 彼墨楔



作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-16 19:37
13# s95016547



作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 19:38
12# 彼墨楔

undefeatable might be more appropriate

and abt the randomness thing, dont you think my incredible bungee jumps in logic makes e seem random to people?

and i did press the button. forgot it was there

and my punctuation is terrible!!^u^ xp

theres only 40-50 chapters in the first one and less than 20 in the second.
cant you spare a moment?
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 19:44
13# s95016547


作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-16 19:49

Yep, thought 'bout that. Doesn't really fit the bunny though...

And mine doesn't? I don't over-randomize, but I do it often enough~~

You did not remember, therefore did not press. *points accusing finger*

I know. I'm getting a headache, I think.

Word-count? Has any of Lucathia's stories updated yet?
That's not "a moment", not even close. You know I don't speed-read like Xan, ever. ( I'm not sure anyone can)
At least let me finish 沉月 卷六, half of it first, and The House of Many Ways. And rewatch Howl's Moving Castle. I think I'm gonna do that tonight.

Anyway, gotta go now~ I still haven't bathed yet. Urgh.

FB me if there's anything. Meanwhile, have fun!

(Tell you what, if you watch Howl's Moving Castle, I'll read one of the fics. MR's vow.(the hell?)
作者: s95016547    時間: 2015-1-16 19:56
14# 彼墨楔



作者: s95016547    時間: 2015-1-16 19:57
16# 雪陵


作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 19:57
17# 彼墨楔

40-50 Wordcount?Is there even something like that?

Its chapters, duh.

122,000 for rebellion and 32,438 for the other. On the subject of Xan, I don't think she's reading at all. Try quizzing her on Schooled's storyline. Will she remember even a quarter?

Howl's moving castle is a Studis Ghibli movie right? Got no time, maybe tomorrow evening.

I ahven't bathed either.
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-16 20:03
19# s95016547



作者: 星玥藍    時間: 2015-1-16 22:14
This is a good way to practice English!
When I was a little child before, my mom always asked me to talk with the stranger who spoke English(My mom is so boring, isn't she?)
I always said"Do you like apple?"
......Please don't mind a little girl who just learn English for about one month only know this sentence.
作者: 半世逍遙    時間: 2015-1-16 23:41
Wow, English.
Um... far different from LZ, my Chinese is much better than my English.
My english is so poor that I cann't describe... but I have a important exam about twenty days later.
That is the most important exam in my whole life, I guess, and I have to improve my english.
For that, Although my english isn't good enough, I still enter this place.
I hope I can read and write faster, and reducing the errors when I'm writing.
If you find my spelling or grammar was wrong, tell me please.

I think I should say something else... how about introduce myself?
My ID is 半世逍遙, you can call me 逍遙 or 小遙.
And my interestings are painting and writing. Of course, writing is in Chinese.
Actually, I have many interestings else, but they are too wide to describe with my english.  *lollll

Btw, I think Google Translate is funny, too.
When you translate Chinese into English, and translate it back, the translation wiil be very interesting... *lol





作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-17 01:04
Oh~ I Love this group!

Although I am poor at English, I will try it hardly.
Please give me this chance to practice.>"<

If I have something wrong in grammar, please let me know.
Sometimes I could have a wrong sentence, which cause you or other one cannot understand what I want to say. If it happened, please tell me.  I will express in Chinese as soon as possible.
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-17 01:54
4# s95016547

I think this group is very good.
For what?
Kids in Taiwan cannot learn English via a good way.
And 雪陵殿 just want someone can communicate with him/her in his/her wanted way.
All of people can get what they want in this group.
Chance for practicing English, or someone can chat in his/her most familiar language.

I thought that he/she struggled for a long time, finally executed this plan.
It's not easily.

(Caps meant Strengthened mood.
Don't you know?
The guy like me STICKING on Taiwan island for 19 years, and very poor at English, still understand this.
You tell me that you living in Australia, but don't know this?
Shame on you.

I could have many wrong grammar upside, but look at your word, which of us was ruder?
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 21:30
18# s95016547


Google Translate 也只有單字會翻譯得沒問題,

How 'bout switching to English? I'm here for this particular reason, after all^^
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 21:33
20# 雪陵

No~ *white eye*
I was askin bout the word count (ie:length)of the fics~~
What were they again? XP

Nope, she wont. I've asked.
She'll probably say something along the lines of, "That story's lovely!" And that's it. *sigh*

Watched it yet? I've just finished it this afternoon~
Mother had me cut of mid-movie cause it was too late last night ><
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 21:42
本帖最後由 彼墨楔 於 2015-1-17 21:44 編輯

25# 小劍痞


Okay, that's all the Chinese I'm using - trying to keep it at a minimum here ;)

翎's a she, actually (hope she doesn't mind, oh well) and yes, she's had the idea of doing this for quite some time since... last year, perhaps.
I adapted to the way people talk here, and quite enjoy it, but guess she still far preferred English to Chinese. Plus, she doesn't sound like herself in Chinese. Not quite as sarcastic, nor full of witty humor. It was kinda weird XDDDD

Thanks for supporting her idea, really. I kinda surmised that not many from Taiwan are willing to throw themselves into foreign conversations (or is it really?), so I'm glad that there're still some who genuinely wants to learn. *hooray*

If there's questions about Eng or what I wrote above, ask away ^^/
And if you don't mind, I could give you a few pointers to errors in your reply?
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 21:53
22# 星玥藍

Long time no see, 玥 *waves excitedly*

Speaking the language will make you more comfortable with it, so your mother's right ;p

Hahahaha, when was it? It's quite funny, imagining a little girl walking around asking that XDDD
I would have thought that the first sentence to learn is something like "My name is..." or "How are you?" LOL
作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 22:10
I happen to be here.
My English is very bad.
Well…I maybe need to translate those words from English into Chinese.
And I am depressed by English now.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 22:15
23# 半世逍遙

看過大馬的 Rojak 英文嗎?那才叫難懂(倒###

翎(樓主) always had her own flair in the language, almost everyone has it, in the language that they are most comfortable with.
What's this important exam? *curious*

If you want to improve your reading speed, the easiest way is to read, read, read, and, read. Same to writing, grammar, spelling, tenses and the like~
There's this website, http://www.spreeder.com/app.php?intro=1 , it really helps with improving your reading speed. Just paste whatever text you want to read in there, adjust the settings, and press 'play'~~^^
The errors I'll leave up to 翎 to correct~~
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 22:16
30# qwe23510862

Hey! *waves animatedly*
Fancy seeing you here... why do you say that?

It's not that bad...really. *absolutely serious face*
作者: 星玥藍    時間: 2015-1-17 22:22
29# 彼墨楔

You have remembered me!(surprising

Umm......I always want to be different, I think that was why I didn't want to say something that most of people say when they meet stranger.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 22:27
33# 星玥藍

Haha, I simply thought that your ID seems really familiar...a and so went to check the name list~(I try to keep track of everyone I've met and their names >w<~~

A wish to stand out?Understandable^^

Since this is also a chance to improve language skills, do you want me to correct any mistakes?
作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 22:28
32# 彼墨楔

I am not sure.
What is the*Waves animatedly*?
Can you help me to translate?
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 22:28
23# 半世逍遙


introduce 前應該加個 I ,動詞前一定要有名詞


作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 22:32
24# 小劍痞

Welcome to the group!

I’ve heard from 墨 that you can communicate with her in English, so I expected you from the start.

Don't worry about any errors. Everyone's like that. If you really don't mind, we can point it out, but if you do mind, no one will judge you for it.
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 22:40
27# 彼墨楔

Pls refer to my previous posts for the word count.
Its rebellion by TatraMegami and Wizards are stupid by Lineape.
Write it down.

Sometimes you just get rather annoyed at her. We've raved about this particular story for ages and she never really shared our passion for it. Our passion died down a bit already though, so nothing lasting. On a side note, has it updated?

Nah, haven't watched it yet. Haven't got the time. You know hw busy I am during weekends.

You know, nowadays I'm just so sick of school activities. I just wanna go home~~QAQ

Swear words are prohibited on this site right? Is damn a swear word?
作者: 星玥藍    時間: 2015-1-17 22:41
34# 彼墨楔

作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 22:42
35# qwe23510862

Erm... animatedly = 很激動(?
Though the correct translation might be: 猛揮手ww

Translate "animatedly" or the whole thing OAO?
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 22:44
37# 雪陵

I don't suppose that I'm included in this 'we'? *raise eyebrow*

When have I ever said that? I've completely no recollection of it...
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-17 22:48
28# 彼墨楔

I saw your message few minutes ago.
But I reply very slowly.

Ok, I got it.  Thanks!  I thought that she won't mind.^w^
I saw her at 星雲疾 last year, however, she cannot got along with us because of the language.
This group can help her, I believe.

Welcome to 御論!  Make good memories here~!

Oh..., I thought that Taiwanese here don't hate foreign conversations.
Just because most of members in 御論 are elementary school / junior high school students.
English is not our mother tongue, so most of them cannot communicate in this language.
(I am a bad student, poor at English, although I am already attending college!)

I WON'T mind it!
Please tell me the errors!>"<
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 22:50
31# 彼墨楔

Rojak Manglish! Malaysian English! Mangled terribly!
It's the stuff of horrors!

Why you so bad one? Go shopping bojio lah! How can liddat one?

Aiyah, nevermind lah. Exam still got two months, sap sap water!

Anymore examples?
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 22:55
41# 彼墨楔

Yup! I am going to drag you into water. Down water?
I should totally quit speaking Manglish. It'll confuse people.

You staying back on Monday?
Even if you did, don't expect me. I'm busy.

I don't suppose you also have compulsive 'Grammar Nazi' behaviour?

I get the feeling that something's off in my replies/entries. I simply cannot pinpoint it. Grammar? Tone?
Help me.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-17 22:56
39# 星玥藍

You have remembered me!(surprising

Umm......I always want to be different, I think that was why I didn't want to say something that most of people say when they meet stranger.

Correction: You remembered me! (suprised

Umm......I always wanted to be different, I think that was why I didn't want to say something that most of people say when they meet strangers.

You can ask 翎 why I made those corrections -I'm not so sure why either *laughs dryly*
My English only extends to knowing when it's wrong and when it's right, as I have no idea about the 'why's and 'how's, and I can't really explain without knowing.


作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 22:59
42# 小劍痞

I remember you! We had a conversation/story.

I'm actually okay in Chinese. It's actually my mother tongue. It's just that my  written Chinese isn't as good as written English. I have no problems with Chinese. My typing is faster with English though.
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-17 23:04
37# 雪陵

I can read replies quickly, but write replies extremely slowly...with many errors in my sentences. T^T

I think that if I saw this group last week, the time I was very busy, I would join here or not.
Answer is Yes.
Welcome to anyone!  I believe that 御論 will be a "HOME" for any members.
Also, I  won't give up the chance like this to practice my poor English.

What I afraid is that my terrible English will horrify you, and then escape from this HOME. XDDDD

Please point my errors out!  Please!
I really need it! QAQ
作者: rose_4353100    時間: 2015-1-17 23:06
I'm just past.My English is not good as you guys. But l still want to join you.
If you find any mistake in the sentences,please correct me.Thx.

作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 23:12
40# 彼墨楔

In fact,I just used electronic dictonary to look up the word "waves“,and then I see.
Because when I looked up the word ,I forgot the word is 第三人稱單數現在式.
And I looked up “animatedly,the meaning is active,so,I can't suddenly  relate the two words to the meaning .
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:13
45# 彼墨楔

Have remembered is actually Present Perfect Tense. It means that you are doing it now but have already finished doing it.

You never stop remembering someone, so Remembered (Simple Past tense) is actually more suitable.

'I always want' is actually correct grammatically, but its in present tense. Past tense should be used here because all of your other sentences are in past tense.

Stranger is singular. When you are referring to a group of people, you have to use plural form.
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:17
48# rose_4353100

Should be I'm just passing by.
Any mistakes


作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-17 23:17
46# 雪陵

I also remember you~  We had a short conversation.
Times with you are joyful. ^w^

Ok, it means that you can read Chinese easily, but write it a little hard?
Conversely, I can read English easily and quickly. XDDD
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:21
52# 小劍痞

Writing isn't really a problem, just the level is only around junior high standard, maybe even lower than that. Our country's high school Chinese standard is only like junior high in Taiwan, so I'm not as good as you guys
作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 23:23
51# 雪陵



作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:27
54# qwe23510862

作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 23:28
54# qwe23510862


作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:31
56# qwe23510862


*cough* Should we turn back to English?
作者: rose_4353100    時間: 2015-1-17 23:32
  any 後面不是可以加複數或單數嗎?
作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 23:33
55# 雪陵

作者: 半世逍遙    時間: 2015-1-17 23:33
本帖最後由 半世逍遙 於 2015-1-17 23:39 編輯

31# 彼墨楔


The exam is involved in what college I can enter, which will effects my later half life.
To prepare this exam, the board in our calssroom has been written how many days we can studying since last year.
It is stressful that I see it everyday.


I know practicing is the best and fastest way to improve my English command, and I am reading and writing now, right? *glimpse
I will watch it later, and hope the website can be used on smart phone. My lap is sent to fix because of some power problems.
Thank you for offering this website//


Ok, I got it !
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:40
58# rose_4353100

any 是’任何‘的意思,的確是都可以放,可是在這裡mistakes比較恰當,因為有可能多過一個

作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-17 23:45
57# 雪陵

It is very hard for me to translate a sentence.
It is difficult. to sum it up in one sentence by translating  from Chinese into English!
Well…I think I have to make a great effort to practice English .
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-17 23:50
53# 雪陵

Ok, I see.
墨 sometimes had a wrong word in Chinese, but seldom had wrong grammar.
Not like me, very poor at English. Q^Q


作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:55
60# 半世逍遙

The exam is involved in what college I can enter, which will effects my later half life. 
To prepare this exam, the board in our calssroom has been written how many days we can studying since last year. 
It is stressful that I see it everyday. 

which will affect my whole life. (latter part of my life【不常用】、rest of my life 也可以,但我認為whole life比較適合句子的結構)

To prepare for this exam, a countdown is written on the board
Everyday, I get stressed when I see this.

I know practicing is the best and fastest way to improve my English command, and I am reading and writing now, right? *glimpse

command of English

I will watch it later, and hope the website can be used on smart phone. My laptop is sent for repairs because of some power problems.
Thank you for offering this website//

作者: rose_4353100    時間: 2015-1-17 23:57
劍痞:I can't agree with you more.
But my reletives in China think 漢語拼音 is more easy to type than 注音.

作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-17 23:57
It's late, I cannot stay anymore, so... see you guys next time~

I should be here tomorrow, so till then,

作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-18 00:02
So…I think about now we should what to do.
I maybe want to sleep.
作者: 半世逍遙    時間: 2015-1-18 00:03
36# 雪陵

I guess simplified Chinese characters will be easier to foreigners to read.

Ok, I see.
Actually, the students in Taiwan seem to use more "favorite" than "interest", but I don't know the reason.

The poorest part in my English is spelling...

Don't worry, I will not angry.
In fect, this is the goal I enter this place. *LOLL





作者: 半世逍遙    時間: 2015-1-18 00:08
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-18 00:16
65# rose_4353100

reletives ===> relatives?

I had typed Chinese with 漢語拼音.  More than ten times, less than one hundred times, I considered.
But I cannot GUESS its first letter easily! QAQ
The phonetic symbol is just the symbol for the nationals, not for foreigner.
So, why not use 注音 to close to our pronunciation?

Practice to strengthen English, we can strive together~
You can do it~!
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 18:35
38# 雪陵

Yeah, I saw it.
You know, this group was had rather surprising responses, hmm...

Just wondering, the title says Fanfiction Lovers, right?
Why don't you place some links to LoSK or Half-Prince fics? (some others too, perhaps?)
Write short summaries in Chinese, introduce to characters, and let people enjoy them~~~
An enjoyable way to improve English, ain't it? ←Improving English is now one big reason why people are here, somehow XDDDD

Don't worry, I won't write it down. Wouldn't be me if I wrote it down. (Now don't look at me that way)
Give me the ID, I'll add it in the app~~

Nope, not a peep. Have you checked on A Drop of Poison?
(Hey, Naruto fics are also an option!)

Nowadays, I just wanna stay at school~
And do nothing. So it's not a total opposite either. *shrugs*

I have no idea, really. I'll get a warning if it is.
Until then, I'm gonna keep using it. I'll keep a reign on the 'shit's though~~
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 18:45
本帖最後由 彼墨楔 於 2015-1-18 19:06 編輯

42# 小劍痞

No probs *smiles*
I'm not usually here anyway. Or anywhere else.

I dont know if you realized, but I'm not trying to hold back much when conversing with you. It's kinda instinctual, but I hope you won't mind.

I guess so, the way we speak in Chinese, it's just not suitable for her.*rubs chin*
Trying to fit in didn't work, so she opted for standing out in her own charming way XDD

I'm terribly sorry, but can you translate the sentence 【I thought that Taiwanese here don't hate foreign conversations.】into Chinese? I can't seem to understand what you're trying to say~~

Mostly, there are no errors in grammar nor in your spelling and tenses. (Though I tend to miss mistakes in tenses and do it myself)
It's just the flow of the sentence you need to improve, for lack of a better explanation. Your sentences sound...stiff, and one can immediately tell that you're not used to English. There are many more ways to write what you wrote in your reply that would make it sound smoother, but it'll come with time and enough practice. *pats shoulders*
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 18:46
本帖最後由 彼墨楔 於 2015-1-18 19:06 編輯

43# 雪陵

I don't know, actually.
My Manglish is terrible~ I usually can't understand what the posts on FB are talking about when others are perfectly fine with it *sigh*
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 18:53
44# 雪陵

Yes. Yes, you should. Stop, I mean.
Try to set a good example, will you? *tries and fails to put on the serious face*

I'm not really sure... Think I can get 沉月 卷六 by then? She borrowed it to  someone, last I heard~~

Yes, I kinda have it *laughs*
It's alright when its made unintentionally, but if someone simply choose to ignore the mistakes, say, Caps, punctuation, and generally don't care, I can't stand it.

You know I can be harsh with my words, but I tried really hard to hold back. I think you know when it is.

I think it's because of the length(?)
We're (You're?) more used to one-to-one back and forth replies on RC or FB, so typing so much seems like you're talking to yourself. That's my guess, anyway. Just pretend you're trying entries, like MR.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 18:57
48# rose_4353100

Hi, 鳳!!Sorry I haven't been around much these days.
I'm thinking of just sticking to the few groups (小窩) that I visit more often~
It's been very busy since school started�

I'm just passing by (路過的意思).My English is not good as you guys, but (不能以 but 當句子的開頭, 只能在逗號後使用) l still want to join you.
If you find any mistake in the sentences,please correct me.Thx.

作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-18 19:02
71# 彼墨楔

On that matter, maybe we should introduce people to Lucathia Rycathu (is it spelled correctly?). Her stories are quite good.

5651585-wizards are stupid

Rebellion is better(i think)

I still don't have a club, any suggestions?

A drop of poison haven't updated either. I have a tab open on my browser.

I have homework. 周记,剪报。
I wanna cryyyy~~
It hasn't been touched at allllll~~
And its due tomorrowww~~

My mother just keeps on telling me to practice the piano. Its, frankly, kinda irritating.

Any good humor?

My moral teacher's lim keat s-something. He's frightening. He threatens his students. His words and tone is actually quite genial, but he's still scary

I'm tired...
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 19:04
40# 彼墨楔

In fact,I just used electronic dictonary to look up the word "waves“,and then I see.
Because when I looked up the word ,I forgot the word is 第三人稱單數現在式.
And I looked up  “animatedly,the meaning is active,so,I can't suddenly  relate the two words to the meaning .
qwe23510862 發表於 2015-1-17 23:12

Erm... can I ask you to translate 【In fact】into Chinese?
I'm afraid I don't understand why it's used there ><

Yeah, so that's why English can't be translated directly into Chinese. You need to truly know what it means before putting it into words - the differences are just too great.

I just used the (在名詞之前要放 the、a之類的詞?不確定為什麼欸欸(被揍#))electronic dictonary...
I can't immediately (會比較適合,suddenly 多數是【突然】的意思,在這裡不能代替【立刻】) relate the two words to the meaning .
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 19:05
50# 雪陵

Eh, don't tell that to me, I won't even try to remember them. *runs away*
Tell it to 玥~

Maybe you could explain the mistakes in Chinese? Try to, anyway.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 19:10
52# 小劍痞

Actually, 翎's Chinese is better than mine. Better marks and all. *looks at her with a pout*
It's just the way we converse on 御論 that she can't adapt to.

Chinese sms language? (I don't even know what I'm suggesting *shrug*)
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 19:26
60# 半世逍遙

真的很有趣欸, 他們的中文也是ww

Hmm, that would be really stressful. Our class teacher implemented that method last year, before our PT3. (what you would call 會考, I think)
Our class monitor didn't even manage to count down till the last 50 days - someone just kept wiping away the numbers. (it was written on the blackboard)


I saw that 翎 has already corrected the errors, so I'll just skip that.

Though, 【glimpse】is not 眨眼~~
It's more towards...瞥眼 or something like that.
眨眼 is 【blink】~~

Yes, reports show that communicating in a language is the best way to learn it *wink*
(Erm, I'm not sure if you'll misinterpret, but 【wink】means 眨眼 too, just more like only blinking an eye in a knowing way(?))

Your welcome *smiles brightly*
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-18 19:27
74# 彼墨楔

Am currently trying to. It's just that sometimes what we write here may not be correct in formal writing. Take my first sentence for example.

The moment she heard someone wanted to borrow 沉月, AGAIN, she groaned. It's quite in demand, the book, at least five, maybe more people borrowed it before. Including me. Does that constitute a run on sentence?

I don't really care all that much about punctuation and Caps lock, but I prioritize the general smoothness sentence flow. I can't stand spelling errors. Short form is fine, but spelling errors, no, just no. Don't forget tenses. It's fine if it looks natural, but it usually makes it so unnatural.

I can be very cruel in my speech, but I usually censor myself, if I can and am aware of it. Sometimes I simply don't know that my criticism might hurt people.  

This is actually also a conversation, just only answering may questions at once
作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-18 20:20
本帖最後由 qwe23510862 於 2015-1-18 20:23 編輯

77# 彼墨楔

In fact:事實上
It's phrasal.
It used when you are adding something ,especially something surprising ,to emphasize what you have just said.and used to emphasize that the truth about a situation is the opposite what has been mentioned.
I know the cute girl really well. In fact,I had dinner with her last week.
They told me it would be cheap but in fact it cost me nearly $500.

就跟The boy who is playing the basketball is my brother. (限定了那個男孩
作者: qwe23510862    時間: 2015-1-18 20:43
I ask a question.

Mmm…my father is watching a moive ,and he asked me a question.
He wonder why the sentence used *me and my brother *,instead of using *I and my brother*.
And I don't know why.

The sentence is this.

*Then one night, me and my brother paid Cody a visit.
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-18 22:01
83# qwe23510862

The boy who is playing the basketball is my brother

The boy who is playing basketball is my brother



the basketball 是籃球(球)

Me and my brother 其實是錯誤的,但很順口,聽起來也好像沒問題,所以很多人明知錯了,但還是說出來,算是口語吧

正確應該是my brother and I, 要看一個句子正確與否,把其中一個人物拿出來,正確的話就對了

I ask a question.

Mmm…my father was watching a movie ,and he asked me a question.
He wondered why the sentence used *me and my brother *,instead of using *I and my brother*.
And I didn't know why.

Every sentence in a story must have the same tense
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-18 22:08
74# 彼墨楔

You know what?
I'm starting to feel like this site is turning into a free English tuition center.
Not that I'm upset or anything,and I'm pretty happy to help, just saying that it deviated pretty far from my expectations.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 22:13
81# 雪陵

Eh, if you're onto formal English...
Personally, I think ours is closer to freestyle (if there's such a thing)
Yours is quite sarcastic, and I can't really imagine teacher's accepting that in an essay. Or do you actually write it? *raise eyebrow*

Really? Wow, I totally didn't realize! (note the sarcasm, if you will)
She looked extremely, and I repeat, extremely reluctant to lend me the book, really.
Maybe, because not everyone take good care of books?

Ahahaha, I'm actually really prone to make spelling mistakes, and let's not forget my tenses. *blinks*

Yep, you kinda sound cold and distant. Even when you're talking face-to-face.
Took me a while to get used to, and now I can tell which tone is which. (they all sound quite familiar, plus your dead-pan face XDDD)

Mmm, you can take it that way.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-18 22:17
82# qwe23510862

...I'm not sorry to say that I don't really care about the explanation. OWO
事實上, in the way you used it, it would be marked wrong, if I'm not mistaken.
Here, 【Truthfully】would've been the word to use.

I'm.. going to reply the rest tmr or some other day. Gotta o to bed now. Mother AND father are calling. Goodnight, and sweet dreams ^^
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-18 22:35
86# 彼墨楔

Sarcastic? How so? Examples please?
I write about the same way i speak, i guess. I don't really think when I write, it all just comes out naturally.

You know there's this optical illusion that makes people twist something into a thing they're familiar with. Like if there's two 'a's in a sentence "This is a a sentence" , people's eyes tend to just slide over the words and register only one 'a'

Do I really sound cold and distant? My tone, as far as I remember, is usually 'mildly amused' I have never found the need to use a lot of facial expressions. That's what words are for, to express feelings and emotions.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 17:02
84# 雪陵

Hey, don't for get the first phrase:

I ask a question.

Isn't it supposed to be I want to ask a question or something?
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-19 20:42
72# 彼墨楔

I wont't mind it, don't worry.*smile*

Another reason could be that sometimes we see the language different from ours, we will keep it away instinctively.  Unfortunately, "different language" includes 简体中文.
If she suitable for English, it is really a charming way to her!

But I am sorry about that a troublesome child left a uncomfortable message here.
I think that troublesome child could not have enough English level to rely in the first time.  The fact is that I was wrong.

I think I should describe this sentence in the other way.>"<
【I thought that Taiwanese in 御論 do not hate talking to foreigner.】
Is it OK to understand? OWO?

I had a paper of school assignment one month ago, it should be written in English.
My English teacher said that I had many errors in it. *cry*
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 20:55
76# 雪陵

Whoops, I missed this reply yesterday, my bad.
Yeah, just pick a few and put links in the first entry. I can help with the summaries/character introduction and whatnot. Or, you can do a round-robin(I think that's what 接文 is called?), encourage people to write snippets of fics? (Though it would be quite hard... hmm...)
Think that'll fulfill the title Fanfiction Lovers?

Nope, the Drama thingy merit some thoughts though.
Tomorrow, after Rumah?

Huh, I have 範文、作文、AND Physics!!!

I have been practicing the harmonica, so less nagging than usual there. At least I'm immune to it XPPP

No, no humor. You know I like dark fics, with humor IN the fics, but I don't favor crack.
Hey, I know! You can introduce the special phrases we use when referring to ffs~~(Just so you know, I'm not helping on this one)

William approaches the lessons in a way no teacher has ever come close to - its new and exciting, KNOWING that you'll definitely learn something at the end of the lesson ^^
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-19 20:58
79# 彼墨楔

I think you, 墨, your Chinese is better enough!
If you don't say about your country, or use the simplified Chinese, I might not find it!

Sorry, I can't understand what is [Chinese sms language]?
[sms] means systems?
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 21:21
85# 雪陵

Well, what WERE you're expectations?
Excuse me if I use Caps for the italics - I'm too lazy.
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-19 21:23
90# 小劍痞

But I am sorry about that a troublesome child left a uncomfortable message here.
I think that troublesome child could not have enough English level to rely in the first time.  The fact is that I was wrong.

Can you please translate it? I don't get what you're trying to say.

If she suitable for English, it is really a charming way to her!

If she is more suited for English,(sorry but I don't understand the second part either.

I understand what you are saying this time.
Hate is a very strong word. Dislike is better. Its like 恨 and 不喜欢.

The idea in your sentences are there, just some problems with grammar.
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 21:24
88# 雪陵

You can take that lightly, it's just a personal opinion.

The 'cold and distant' part, I think it has more to do with your facial expressions and eyes than the tone of your voice, but yes, if one is familiar (not THAT familiar, just kinda KNOW your speech), the tone IS mildly amused~~

Hey, hey, what 'bout mine? *curious*
作者: 雪陵    時間: 2015-1-19 21:30
91# 彼墨楔

Lucathia Rycathu first, it should be more easily accepted than any other.
To be honest, I don't care about the title and what it might imply. It's something that will make my life more difficult in the long run. There's only about three other people here other than us

I think it has potential too. Lunch should be better, rumah might be late

作文, due tomorrow.

Mother's nagging, so will continue later, bath time
作者: 小劍痞    時間: 2015-1-19 21:43
94# 雪陵

Ok, I describe it in another way.
I don't want to translate it into Chinese*sign*

Most of the children here cannot communicate smoothly in English.
Mature enough people could join this club easily.  And these people would not be rude like that (you know what).  However, it just happened.
I feel very sad.

Thank you very much~*hug**been hit*
I will use this word "hate" carefully next time.
Also the other errors you reminded me.*smile*
Very very poor at grammar I know.*cry*
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 22:07
72# 彼墨楔

I wont't mind it, don't worry.*smile*

Another reason could be that sometimes we see the language different from ours, we will keep it away instinctively.  Unfortunately, "different language" includes 简体中文.
If she suitable for English, it is really a charming way to her!

But I am sorry about that a troublesome child left a uncomfortable message here.
I think that troublesome child could not have enough English level to rely in the first time.  The fact is that I was wrong.

I think I should describe this sentence in the other way.>"<
【I thought that Taiwanese in 御論 do not hate talking to foreigner.】
Is it OK to understand? OWO?

I had a paper of school assignment one month ago, it should be written in English.
My English teacher said that I had many errors in it. *cry*

小劍痞 發表於 2015-1-19 20:42

...won't mind, don't worry.
...could be that when we see languages different...
..we keep away instinctively.
"different languages" include...
...(I can't understand the next sentence, though I get the gist of it)

...(The next paragraph too, but I know what you're talking about. Yeah, but it's okay. People don't usually mean what they say when they never thought it trough, as I think is the case here ^^)

Yes, I understand it. I can actually get what you're trying to tell me most of the time by looking at the words you chose, even though it won't necessarily be the same context. Though, please refrain from using the word 'hate', thank you. I have a strong aversion to it.

Hmm... I can somewhat tell what your problems are from these few conversations we've had. Mostly, it's the wordings and use of phrases. You tend to add in unnecessary words that make the sentences closer to Chinese than it is English. My advice: Read more books. Nothing helps better than that ;)
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 22:12
92# 小劍痞

...better enough! → good enough!
...don't say about your → hadn't told me about your...
...might not find it! → might not have guessed! (I think that's what you mean, is it?)

sms = 短訊(usually it's messages in phones or online messaging sites)
I have no idea where it originated from. Riss?
作者: 彼墨楔    時間: 2015-1-19 22:22
96# 雪陵

Yeah, hers is easy, clear, humorous, and full of juicy plots! I think many Chinese fanfiction lovers can learn from her fics, anyway.

So, lunch together it is then! XDDD

Ha! Mine's due next Mon. So I'm not planning on completing them *yay~~*

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