《天籟森林》 (The Trees They Grow So High) (1988第一版,1998再版)
《逝去的歌聲》(The Songs That Got Away) (1989)
《走過歲月》(As I Came of Age) (1990)
《韋伯之歌》(Sings the Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber) (1992)
《水》(Dive) (1993)
《臣服》(Surrender) (1995)
《飛》(Fly) (1995)
《永志不渝》(Time To Say Goodbye/Timeless) (1997)
《重回失樂園》(Eden) (1998)
《月光女神》(La Luna) (2000)
《一千零一夜》(Harem) (2003)
《真愛傳奇》(Symphony) (2008)
《真愛永恆——冬之歌》 (A Winter Symphony) (2008)
貓(Cats) - (1981)
夜鶯(Nightingale - Original London Cast) (1983)
歌聲舞影(Song and Dance) - Sarah Brightman & Wayne Sleep (1984. 2007再版)
安魂曲(Andrew Lloyd Webber's Requiem) - 多明哥,布萊曼,英國室內樂團,馬澤爾 (1985)
歌劇魅影(The Phantom of the Opera - Original London Cast) (1987)
旋轉木馬(Carousel - Studio Cast) (1987)