願光明神保佑我能完結它(我還有古陽大坑啊~) 大大寫得不錯喔,加油,願光明神保佑你∼話說大大的英文講稿題目是什麼啊?腹黑睡美人之類的?;P Today I’m going to tell you a story about smoke.Lots of people know that smoking is unhealthy to them but I think that you don't know this too. That is smoking will let you lost you true love! But why? Let me tell you a story that you will know why!
Just like every fairy tales this story starts in once upon a time……
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom far away. The king and the queen didn’t have a child, but they really want to have their own child. One day, the queen
says to the king ’My dear, I really want to have a child! ’ The king answered ’Me too, we just wait ok!’ Then something surprise happened! The doctor said that the king and queen are going have a child! All the people in the kingdom are exciting; one person says” Do you guys know that we’re going to have a little princess or a little prince!” another person says”Really! I can’t believe it! I’ve wait for it when I was young! Finally!” After ten month or thirty six week or three hundreds day the little princess born!Because of this good news, the king decided to have a party and invited all the people in his kingdom. So he used facebook to invite everyone in his kingdom, including the fairy godmother.But he forget a very important person, which is his sister the evil witch. So when she knew this good news on the “Banana Times” she was extremely angry and she deicide to give the little princess a very special gift……
At the party everyone was happy and everyone likes the little princess too! And
the fairy godmother give the little princess some wonderful present as beautiful, intelligent, kindness…..When the last fairy godmother is going to give the little princess her gift everyone heard a loud laugh “Ha! Ha! Ha! My brother, I’ve know that you have a cute daughter so I’m going to give my little niece a special present. I hope that when she grew up she’ll love to smoking and then lost her true love! Ha! Ha! Ha!” ”Oh!No!” everyone shout it loud, but the evil has gone. “Oh! My! God! I can’t believe this, someone go and destroy all the smoke in my kingdom!” the king said it sadly. ”My lord, please let me try!I hope that when the little princess grow up she’ll like to smoke but if there have a prince that really love her than she won’t like to smoking anymore!”the fairy godmother says. But the king still destroy all the smoke in his kingdom just want to protect his daughter.
The little princess grow up and all the wishes have become true. One day, little princess is playing in the garden she see an old woman is smoking, she asked ”What is you doing? What is this? Can I try it? ”the old woman answered “Of course!” the old woman give the princess the smoke then the princess starting to smoke she feel wonder when she is smoking so she don’t know that the old woman is the evil witch! Then the little princess smoking every day,the king and queen are very worry about this.”How can we do?” the queen ask the king sadly. ” ‘Let’s find a husband for our daughter! Maybe the last wish can become true!”the king says. They tell the princess about this news but the princess just says ”What? A husband?Are you kidding, I don’t need husband I just need my cigar!”
When the party started the princess was still smoking her cigar, until she see the prince who is from another kingdom. And the prince talk to the princess but when the princess open her mouth the prince scream a loud ”Ah! What…..what is that. You’ve smoking right? I hate smoking girls.” then the prince run away. Because he saw the princess mouth it smell bad, and her teeth was in three colors yellow, red and black. Because of her mouth and the cigar let the princess lost her true love!
So this story tell us a important thing that is smoking really will let you lost your true love just like the princess in the story. So please stop smoking, thank for your listening!
以上是靈感來源:我的英文講稿(文法大錯!) 我看到上面那一大串英文我就不行了......完全看不下去。我有英文恐懼症啊啊啊啊。 啊!!!!!!是英文~~~(逃跑
那,該不會...(驚嚇O0O 本帖最後由 無語 於 2013-4-21 06:21 編輯
經過了十個月後,王后順利生下了一個男嬰。國王高興的在Footbook 上昭告下並用E-mail邀請大家到皇宮中開派對。他請了三位好心的仙女分別是綠葉、寒冰和羅蘭,但他忘了一個最重要的人那就是女巫─粉紅。當粉紅在香蕉日報上看到這個消息時她氣得跳腳,決定要給格里西亞一個特殊的禮物……
─這說明了為什麼格里西亞的劍術那麼爛的原因了...─ 額我英文不是非常好
所以 改的地方不確定對不對
After ten month or thirty six week or three hundreds day
“Banana Times” ???
At the party everyone was happy and everyone likes the little princess too!
At the party, everyone was happy and likes the little princess,too!
little princess is playing in the garden she see an old woman is smoking, she asked ”What is you doing? What is this?
little princess was playing in the garden that she saw an old woman was smoking, she asked ”What is you doing? What is this?
but when the princess open her mouth the prince
要不就全用過去式 要不就都用 現在式
要記得統一時間的 不能跳來跳去 對了還有一些句子
主要子句跟連接的子句要加逗號 看完中文版我笑死了!
光是英文資料英文報告就搞得我頭昏腦漲啦! 大大你要笑死我了啦XDDDDDDDDDDDDD