曼. 發表於 2012-1-19 13:17:52

推-Leave Out All The Rest

暮光之城-Leave Out All The Rest

http://www.youmaker.com/video/sa?id=85a68ee9f0d84538b08513bd19a7e697001 ((按

I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared
我夢見我迷失了 你好害怕

But no one would listen, 'cause no one else cared
但沒人願意聆聽 因為沒人在乎

After my dreaming, I woke with this fear
夢境結束 我在恐懼中驚醒

What am I leaving when I'm done here?
當一切走到盡頭 我還要留下些什麼?

So if you're asking me, I want you to know
所以你若問我 我要你知道

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
當我離去時 忘了我曾犯的錯

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed

Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
不要怨恨我 當你覺得空虛時

Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
將我好好的記住 其餘不重要

Leave out all the rest, don't be afraid
其餘不重要 不要畏懼

I've taken my beating, I've shared what I made
我已獲得勝利 分享了我得到的

I'm strong on the surface, not all the way through
雖然表面上堅強 但並不是一直如此

I've never been perfect, but neither have you
我從來都不完美 而你也一樣

So if you're asking me, I want you to know
所以你若問我 我要你知道

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
當我離去時 忘了我曾犯的錯

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed

Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
不要怨恨我 當你覺得空虛時

Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
將我好好的記住 其餘不重要

Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well

Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself

I can't be who you are

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
當我離去時 忘了我曾犯的錯

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed

Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
不要怨恨我 當你覺得空虛時

Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
將我好好的記住 其餘不重要

Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well

Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself

I can't be who you are

I can't be who you are




羽焱 發表於 2012-1-19 13:29:23

是LINKIN PARK 的 leave out all the rest 啊~
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